
As a teacher, my primary objective is to share my knowledge and experience with enthusiasm and empathy, inspiring students to engage with the material and develop their own insights and ideas. In my courses, I focus on teaching theoretical and empirical tools that enable students to better understand economic models, interpret data, and navigate the terminology and jargon that can be an obstacle to effective communication in the field. I take pride in my ability to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment, where students feel empowered to ask questions, explore new ideas, and collaborate with their peers. Ultimately, my greatest reward is seeing my students succeed and grow, developing the skills and confidence they need to make meaningful contributions to society as professionals and engaged citizens.

Teaching Statement

Teaching Experience:

  • ResEcon 102. Introduction to Resource Economics. (Summer 2022)

  • ResEcon 452. Industrial Organization. (Spring 2022 and Spring 2021)
  • ResEcon 453. Public Policy in Private Markets. (Spring 2022 and Fall 2020)
  • ResEcon 428. Managerial Economics. (Fall 2021 and Fall 2020)
  • ResEcon 701. Probability Theory and Statistical Inference. (Fall 2021)
  • ResEcon 212. Intro to Statistics for the Social Science. (Fall 2018, Spring 2019 and Fall 2019)

  • ResEcon 112. Computing Foundations to Frontiers. University Without Walls. (Spring 2020)